Tesla Car Accident Lawyers in South Florida
Since being released, Tesla has gained a huge following base and has attracted many customers. Locally, Tesla has a dealership location in Fort Lauderdale and there are 2 supercharger stations in Pompano Beach, FL.
Teslas and safety
In their vehicle safety report, Tesla states their vehicles are the “safest cars in the world”.
With an increase in the number of Teslas on the road and a customer base with several individuals that seem to test the limits of the car, there has been a significant increase in the number of car accidents involving a Tesla.
Tesla Car Accident Lawyers
Navigating any lawsuit is a complicated task due to aggressive insurance companies who always fight to pay you less than you deserve, add to the mix, an emerging technology in a new electric vehicle such as a Tesla and you have a case that can become difficult to navigate very fast. Our Tesla car accident lawyers understand the law and they know how to fight the insurance companies to help you recover maximum compensation.
Florida Tesla Car Accidents
There have been several “viral” car accidents involving a Tesla – especially right here in our own backyard. In September 2021, a Tesla collided with a home after going airborne and landing inside the house. Another Fort Lauderdale Tesla car accident occurred in 2018 when a Tesla burst into flames after multiple collisions.
The Autopilot Problem
Distracted driving has always been one of the leading causes of car accidents – regardless of the vehicle. In a Tesla with FSD (Full Self Driving) activated, the autopilot system controls the steering wheel, accelerates, and brakes the car. Leading some drivers to pay less attention to the road; increasing the possibility of being involved in a car accident.
What can you do if you were involved in a Tesla car accident?
If you or someone you know was involved in a car accident involving a Tesla – or any vehicle – our team is ready to help you. Our car accident legal team will be with you every step of the way to fight for you. Just like with every one of our car accident cases, there is no cost to you unless we win your case. Our compassionate and understanding legal team is ready to help you.
Schedule a free case evaluation today
or call us at 954-597-6770