Distracted driving:
Nationwide, distracted driving is the number one cause of a car accident. Distracted drivers lead the way in the number of car accidents they cause, and they are commonly caught texting and driving, streaming and driving, or are distracted eating, drinking, or performing another activity while driving. Unfortunately, these types of accidents are also among the most avoidable.
Running a red light or stop sign
These car accidents can be devastating and often fatal since they usually involve a side-impact collision that carries a heightened risk of resulting in a fatality and/or a rollover. Fatalities involving a side-impact collision usually involve a wrongful death suit. When someone runs a red light or stop sign, the driver responsible is generally distracted and traveling at high speeds.
Teen drivers/ elderly drivers
Florida has a large elderly population nearing or in retirement. Studies suggest elderly, and teen drivers account for nearly the same amount of car accidents each year.
Teen drivers are inexperienced drivers, and they are not exactly known for being careful. More often than not, teen drivers test their limits by driving recklessly, which can lead to a car accident.
Texting while driving
Despite falling into the “distracted driving” category, texting and driving deserves its own section. Over the last several years, car accidents involving texting and driving have dramatically risen and have even led to new laws being passed. The National Safety Council reports that nationwide, nearly 1 out of every 4 car accidents involves a driver distracted on their cell phone.
It’s no secret that speeding kills. Drivers who speed require a longer time to slow down as opposed to a driver who is going the speed limit.
Running late, distracted driving, and keeping up with traffic are a few common reasons why people speed.
Driving drunk or impaired
In the U.S., 28 people die every day because of a drunk driver. Alcohol impairs your ability to think and react well. Despite many awareness campaigns, drunk driving is still an all too common occurrence.
Reckless and aggressive driving
These types of car accidents commonly involve speeding and a complete disregard for traffic and road laws. Drivers involved in these types of car accidents typically switch lanes aggressively, travel at high speeds, and often swerve into other traffic lanes. Aggressive drivers also commonly tailgate other drivers. Reckless drivers endanger everyone around them – including themselves.
When a driver is severely fatigued and they get behind the wheel, their judgment and ability to react promptly are all reduced. Drivers can often feel pressure to drive fatigued due to pressure from their boss – especially truck drivers. These accidents can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities because a fatigued driver’s reaction time is comparable to that of an impaired driver.
Bad weather
A sudden storm or severe weather incident can cause numerous car accidents. Slippery roads reduce tire traction, making it easier for a car to hydroplane, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
High wind speeds, fog, and sudden flooding are also car accident causes related to weather.
Road conditions
Well-maintained roads help drivers retain adequate control of their vehicles. Roads that are poorly maintained or are negatively affected in one way or another due to construction affect how well a vehicle can slow down or come to a complete stop. Poorly maintained roads also increase the likelihood of a blown tire which can lead to a driver losing control of their vehicle.
Florida car accident lawyers | $0 fees unless we win | Caring & compassionate team
The aftermath of a car accident can leave you burdened with injuries, medical bills, or worse. Stress from car accidents is usually compounding because the stress of your injuries, medical bills, car expenses, and your need to resume work activities all pile up on each another. If this sounds like you or someone you know, you need the right lawyer beside you. Choose Long, Jean & Wechsler, P.A., we invite you to schedule a free consultation with our caring and compassionate team. Our legal team will aggressively fight the insurance companies for you and will be by your side the entire time.
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